Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Yeah!!! Marlins make the INTRO to NATIONAL STUDENT NEWS

Click the link to view the segment fromNovember 9th.


Comment below - What do you think of their performance?

AND again on December 10th - in the opening segment... AWESOME!!! (Click Below)



  1. Ms. Piner (Morehead Middle School)November 9, 2010 at 7:57 PM

    My students were a little outdone to see your students on CNN news
    this morning. Congratulations on your submission being selected for
    broadcast. The crew looked sharp.

    Now we must follow suit. In the spirit of friendly competition, the
    minutemen are planning their own submission! You may see us on air
    soon, too!

    Nancy Piner
    Morehead Middle School

  2. i think they did pretty good! it was funny....if you looked at EJ. haha :)

  3. Hi Mr. Koczot! It was bored so I decided to watch that Proposal news cast. It was so sweet! I didn't know that you got married just last year! I also realized that the news then was different then how you do it now. It was soooooo long! Well, I just wanted to tell you! See you tomorrow


  4. Jordan Worrell Core 4November 22, 2010 at 4:31 PM

    I agree with Sarah That was sooo super sweet :)

  5. no one was smiling!!!!!!!!:)
